I want to create a template that's indented 4 spaces, like below:
def myMethod() '''
for (int i =0; i!= size; ++i) {
But Xtend removes the 4 spaces before the for() and the closing '}'. How can I add indentation that's not removed?
I have had similar issues, Xtend's template system can be finicky, but there are workarounds. When using something like the method you showed I usually find I call it from another part of the template and you can create the indentation in the calling method. For instance:
def callingMethod() {'''
for (1 to 10) {
«myMethod()» ««« This puts indents before everything within the method
def myMethod() {'''
for (int i =0; i!= size; ++i) {
Another option is to explicitly add whitespace within the template such as:
def myMethod() {'''
«" "»for (int i =0; i!= size; ++i) {
«" "» doSomething();
«" "»}
Or another way I found looking just now
def myMethod() {'''
for (int i =0; i!= size; ++i) {
Personally I think it is much cleaner the first way where possible. There are probably other ways to achieve this as well, these are just a few things I have found in my own work.