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How to get Row Index of vaadin-grid

I am trying to loop through vaadin-grid rows to set row styles, however, am having trouble selecting a row.

<vaadin-grid id="grid" items="[[data]]">
    <template class="header">
      <vaadin-grid-sorter path="noLine">
        <h1>Line No.</h1>


_selectRow() {
  // Programmatically select row

I can select the row data with this.$.grid.items[arrayIndex]...

How can I select a row to set the row styling?


  • Per Gilberto's suggestion:

       <template class="header">
         <vaadin-grid-sorter path="qty">
        <p style$="color: [[setCellStyle(item.qty item.qtyOther]]</p>


    setCellStyle(qty, qtyOther) {
      if(qty <= qtyOrder) return 'black'
      else return 'orangered'