So I have a bash script that, depending on the version it's working against, may need to run some commands with sudo. I have come up with a couple of options, but I guess I'm looking for additional suggestions. Here is a sample script of what I am doing:
# script is run by "user1"
export version
if [[ "$version" -eq "10" ]]
cp /tmp/file.txt /data/application/files/file.txt
elif [[ "$version" -eq "11" ]]
sudo -u user2 cp /tmp/file.txt /data/application/files/file.txt
exit 0
# script is run by "user1"
export version
export run_as=""
if [[ "$version" -eq "10" ]]
elif [[ "$version" -eq "11" ]]
run_as="sudo -u user2"
eval "$run_as" cp /tmp/file.txt /data/application/files/file.txt
exit 0
The script will always be run by user1. And no matter the version, some commands need to be run as user1. It's only with the upper version that a subset of commands need to be run as user2.
I like eval because I can check once and just add the variable to the necessary commands. I don't like eval because it seems a bit dangerous and just feels icky. But I haven't thought up with a better solution. Any input?
Everything is fine with the eval
approach you have taken, but you don't need to use eval
, just remove the quotes around your run_as
variable and execute like this:
$run_as cp /tmp/file.txt /data/application/files/file.txt
Bash will interpolate the value of $run_as
and create a string that the interpreter will then attempt to execute.