I have two categories listed in my DB.
I would like to change the template (templates>product>category.html) depending on which category was selected. (It's because I want to change the colour scheme and header images per category)
How can I do this? Can I change the template that is being specified in the
def category_view(request, slug, parent_slugs='', template='product/category.html'):
which is in product.views?
This is my category_view currently which returns a http500 error and an invalid syntax python django error.
def category_view(request, slug, parent_slugs='', template='product/category.html'):
"""Display the category, its child categories, and its products.
- slug: slug of category
- parent_slugs: ignored
category = Category.objects.get_by_site(slug=slug)
products = list(category.active_products())
sale = find_best_auto_discount(products)
except Category.DoesNotExist:
return bad_or_missing(request, _('The category you have requested does not exist.'))
child_categories = category.get_all_children()
ctx = {
'category': category,
'child_categories': child_categories,
'sale' : sale,
'products' : products,
if slug == 'healing-products'
template = 'product/i.html'
if slug == 'beauty-products'
template ='product/category_beauty.html'
index_prerender.send(Product, request=request, context=ctx, category=category, object_list=products)
return render_to_response(template, context_instance=RequestContext(request, ctx))
If you look at the tutorials on the Django site and the other places in the documentation, you will find this handled in a way where it get's pretty easy to use different templates:
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
def category_view(request, slug, parent_slugs=''):
if category=='category1':
return render_to_response('template1',RequestContext(request))
if category=='category2':
return render_to_response('template2',RequestContext(request))
Passing the template as a function parameter is just satchmos way to be able to pass different templates to the view. But you can override that any time. Have a closer look at the docs here: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/topics/http/views/