I am new in Socket Programming. I am trying to create a client application. The server is a camera which communicates using TCP. The camera is sending continuous data. Using Wireshark, I can see that the camera is sending continuous packets of different sizes, but not more than 1514 bytes. But my recv
function is always returning 2000
which is the size of my buffer.
unsigned char buf[2000];
int bytesIn = recv(sock, (char*)buf, sizeof(buf) , 0);
if (bytesIn > 0)
std::cout << bytesIn << std::endl;
The first packet I receive is of size 9
bytes, which recv
returns correct, but after that it always returns 2000.
Can anyone please tell me the solution so that I can get the correct size of the actual data payload?
int bytesIn = recv(sock, (char*)buf, sizeof(buf) , 0);
if (bytesIn > 0)
while (bytes != 1514)
if (count == 221184)
buffer[count++] = buf[bytes++];
std::cout << count;
Here is my Wireshark capture:
My Code to handle packets
int bytesIn = recv(sock, (char*)&buf, sizeof(buf) , 0);
if (bytesIn > 0)
if (flag1 == true)
while ((bytes != 1460 && (buf[bytes] != 0)) && _fillFlag)
buffer[fill++] = buf[bytes++];
if (fill == 221184)
flag1 = false;
_fillFlag = false;
fill = 0;
queue.Enqueue(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if ((strncmp(buf, _string2, 10) == 0))
flag1 = true;
For each frame camera is sending 221184 bytes and after each frame it sends a packet of data 9 bytes which I used to compare this 9 bytes are constant.
This 221184 bytes send by camera doesn't have 0 so I use this condition in while loop. This code is working and showing the frame but after few frame it shows fully black frame. I think the mistake is in receiving the packet.
Size of per frame is : 221184 (fixed)
Size of per recv is : 0 ~ 1514
My implementation here :
DWORD MakeFrame(int socket)
INT nFrameSize = 221184;
INT nSizeToRecv = 221184;
INT nRecvSize = 2000;
INT nReceived = 0;
INT nTotalReceived = 0;
BYTE byCamera[2000] = { 0 }; // byCamera size = nRecvSize
BYTE byFrame[221184] = { 0 }; // byFrame size = nFrameSize
while(0 != nSizeToRecv)
nRecvSize = min(2000, nSizeToRecv);
nReceived = recv(socket, (char*)byCamera, nRecvSize, 0);
memcpy_s(byFrame + nTotalReceived, nFrameSize, byCamera, nReceived);
nSizeToRecv -= nReceived;
nTotalReceived += nReceived;
// byFrame is ready to use.
// ...
// ...
return WSAGetLastError();