I use google chrome for my php/js development.
today I started to see a file that is failing to load.
file name is always different
Request URL: blob:http://random.homestead.test/4d9f984b-b8f8-4e77-97cb-4fcfd8ace348
network page says that initiator is inject.preload.js:373
if I open this file, the first line says
*This file is part of Adblock Plus <https://adblockplus.org/>,
But I have Adblock Plus disabled. I noticed that file is being loaded with success occasionally. And also noticed that this file is only requested when I have AdBlock (not AdblockPlus) active. If I have AdBlock disabled - no problem. but even if I exclude my dev site from adblock - the file download is still failing.
My question is: How can I get rid of this red line in my console log and network without entirely deactivating adblock?
I tried it on stackoverflow.com and I see the same file inject.preload.js
loading same randomly named file and succeeding. the file header says:
* Frame context wrapper
* For some edge-cases Chrome will not run content scripts inside of frames.
* Website have started to abuse this fact to access unwrapped APIs via a
* frame's contentWindow (#4586, 5207). Therefore until Chrome runs content
* scripts consistently for all frames we must take care to (re)inject our
* wrappers when the contentWindow is accessed.
it started today on 14 of June 2018
In the comment https://issues.adblockplus.org/ticket/6744#comment:17 , you can find a link to build list https://downloads.adblockplus.org/devbuilds/adblockpluschrome/, install the development version "Adblock Plus for Google Chrome and Opera" and the error won't display anymore
On 2018.7.17 the new verison with bug fixed is released on chrome webstore. So this issue is automatically resolved.