As per the documentation of Google Material Components, I am unable to find a way to integrate it with Laravel. The steps mentioned there to configure the webpack are mentioned however I am unable to find a suitable way to put it in Laravel Mix.
So the question is how to integrate google material components(not the lite version) into Laravel project.
With Laravel Mix, integration of Material Components is easier than with plain Webpack config.
First, install default Laravel project's Node dependencies, and make sure that you have node-sass
and sass-loader
installed, and, of course, add material-components-web
npm i
npm i node-sass sass-loader -D
npm i material-components-web -S
Then, assuming that you have an app.js
in resources/assets/scripts
folder and app.scss
in resources/assets/sass
folder, your webpack.mix.js
should look something like this:
const mix = require('laravel-mix')
.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css', {
includePaths: ['node_modules']
Then, in app.js
and app.scss
you import ES2015 and Sass respectively the same way as described in MDC Web documentation.
Here I described how to install Vanilla JS project. If you're interested in Vue.js, then you can add Vue.js wrapper for MDC-Web (Vue MDC Adapter):
npm i vue-mdc-adapter -S
Then, use it as described in Vue MDC Adapter documentation.