Why you can use the Hilbert epsilon operator in a method and in a function, but not in a "function method"?
method choose<T>(s:set<T>) returns (x:T)
requires s != {}
var z :| z in s;
return z;
function choose'<T>(s:set<T>):T
// function method choose'<T>(s:set<T>):T // Activate this line and comment the previous line to see the error
requires s != {}
var z :| z in s;
In order for the Hilbert epsilon operator, also known in Dafny as the let-such-that expression,
var z :| P; E
to be compilable, the constraint P
must determine z
uniquely. In your case, the constraint P
is z in s
, which does not determine z
uniquely except for singleton sets.
If s
were of type set<int>
, you can (inefficiently) live up to this requirement by changing your choose'
function to:
function method choose'<T>(s:set<int>):int
requires s != {}
var z :| z in s && forall y :: y in s ==> z <= y;
Almost. You need to convince Dafny there is such a z
. You can do that in a lemma. Here's a probably-longer-than-necessary-but-the-first-thing-I-got-working lemma that does that. Note that the lemma also uses the Hilbert operator, but in a statement context, so the uniqueness requirement does not apply.
function method choose'<T>(s:set<int>):int
requires s != {}
var z :| z in s && forall y :: y in s ==> z <= y;
lemma HasMinimum(s: set<int>)
requires s != {}
ensures exists z :: z in s && forall y :: y in s ==> z <= y
var z :| z in s;
if s == {z} {
// the mimimum of a singleton set is its only element
} else if forall y :: y in s ==> z <= y {
// we happened to pick the minimum of s
} else {
// s-{z} is a smaller, nonempty set and it has a minimum
var s' := s - {z};
var z' :| z' in s' && forall y :: y in s' ==> z' <= y;
// the minimum of s' is the same as the miminum of s
forall y | y in s
ensures z' <= y
case y in s' =>
assert z' <= y; // because z' in minimum in s'
case y == z =>
var k :| k in s && k < z; // because z is not minimum in s
assert k in s'; // because k != z
Unfortunately, the type of your s
is not set<int>
. I don't know how to get a unique value from a general set. :(
For information about why the uniqueness requirement is important in compiled expressions see this paper.