I want to include Anaconda's Python 3.6 in my Qt C++ application. The reason why is that I want to be able to include a neural network in my C++ application, which is written in Python.
I tried to include Python in the following way, which I found online:
INCLUDEPATH += /home/[username]/anaconda3/include/python3.6m
LIBS += -L/home/[username]/anaconda3/lib/ -lpython3.6m
It finds the Python.h
header but linking to the Python libraries causes Qt Creator to (apparently) use the Qt libraries of Anaconda and not the ones I downloaded and installed in my home folder.
This is problematic for two reasons:
My program needs Qt 5.9.1 and does not compile with Qt 5.6 (Anaconda's version)
Even if it compiled with Qt 5.6 there are suddenly errors of missing libraries, see below:
Is there any way to include Python from Anaconda but tell Qt Creator to use my custom Qt Version?
Unknowingly, I had the same problem again with a different application and thus posted a new question because I thought it was a different issue.
I found a solution in the mean time and posted the answer here.