I try to use handle query for updating table in the SQL
private ProducerRepository producerRepository;
public void update(Producer producer){
String name = producer.getProducerName();
long id = producer.getId();
// producerRepository.save(producer); //this method works well.
producerRepository.update(name, id); //handle attempt - throws exeption in this string
public interface ProducerRepository extends JpaRepository<Producer, Long>{
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "UPDATE producer SET producer_name = :pName WHERE id = :id")
Producer update(
@Param("pName") String pName,
@Param("id") long id
All parameters of the producer
entity are correct and producerRepository.save(producer)
works well.
(also I out in console name
and id
fields - all right)
So, I can save producer
in the database, but, when I try to use update()
method I get the error.
Can not issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()
sql query in the console also works well
(UPDATE producer SET producer_name = 'some name' WHERE id = ....)
It should be noted that other SQL native queries in repository work correctly. So the spring/hibernate/jdbc settings are correct.
Use annotation @Modifying
This will trigger the query annotated to the method as updating query instead of a selecting one.
From 2.2.6 Modifying queries https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/1.3.4.RELEASE/reference/html/jpa.repositories.html