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Rails file_field_tag with multiple files delivers random string to controller

I am building a form to accept multiple images. Here's the form in Slim

  = form_tag(product_images_path(product_id:, multipart: true, remote: true) do
    label Add Image
    = file_field_tag(:attachment, multiple: true, name: 'image[attachment]', direct_upload: true, class: 'drop-target')
    = submit_tag 'Upload'

When I test this form and attach a file and the data hits the controller, the attachment turns into some kind of random string instead of an array of ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile as I would expect. Here's the result of checking params in console:

<ActionController::Parameters {
permitted: false>

I can't figure out how to properly format/process the image[attachment]'s. See anything I'm doing wrong?


  • I discovered that the problem was that my file_field_tag needed an extra [] in the name.

    = file_field_tag('attachment[images][]', multiple: true, class: 'drop-target')

    Then in the controller:

      @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachment[images][]\"; filename=\"image1.jpg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n",
      @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachment[images][]\"; filename=\"image2.jpg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n",
      @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"attachment[images][]\"; filename=\"image3.jpg\"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n",