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SystemVerilog Initialize multi dimensional parameterized array in

I am trying to initialize a multi dimensional parameterized array in SystemVerilog which I have described as below:

parameter INPUT_WIDTH = 16;
parameter NUM_ELEMENTS = 4;
reg signed [INPUT_WIDTH-1 : 0 ] ss_res_reg[NUM_ELEMENTS-1:0];

I want to initialize the ss_res_reg to zero on every falling edge of rst so:

always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin
    if(~rst) begin
        ss_res_reg <= '{NUM_ELEMENTS{NUM_ELEMENTS{1'b0}}};
    end else begin
        ss_res_reg <= ss_res;

The problem is with this line ss_res_reg <= '{NUM_ELEMENTS{INPUT_WIDTH{1'b0}}};. If I change it to ss_res_reg <= '{NUM_ELEMENTS{16'b0}}; it works perfectly fine. However, when I want to use the INPUT_WIDTH parameter, Xilinx tool gives me the following error: syntax error near {. I also tried ss_res_reg <= '{NUM_ELEMENTS{16{1'b0}}}; and got the same error. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?


  • The error lies in the fact that you can not replicate unpacked array elements.

    There is a simple solution:

       for (integer i=0; i<NUM_ELEMENTS; i++)
          ss_res_reg[i] <=  {INPUT_WIDTH{1'b0}};