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SQL query to select dates between two dates

I have a start_date and end_date. I want to get the list of dates in between these two dates. Can anyone help me pointing the mistake in my query.

select Date,TotalAllowance 
from Calculation 
where EmployeeId=1
  and Date between 2011/02/25 and 2011/02/27

Here Date is a datetime variable.


  • you should put those two dates between single quotes like..

    select Date, TotalAllowance from Calculation where EmployeeId = 1
                 and Date between '2011/02/25' and '2011/02/27'

    or can use

    select Date, TotalAllowance from Calculation where EmployeeId = 1
                 and Date >= '2011/02/25' and Date <= '2011/02/27'

    keep in mind that the first date is inclusive, but the second is exclusive, as it effectively is '2011/02/27 00:00:00'