Try as I may, I am unable to successfully use SoX to convert a raw file to a wav file.
The command line I use is:
sox -r 44100 -b 16 -e signed-integer c -1 -t raw 000000.raw 1.wav
What I get back is static. And to even make sure I've got the input file data correct when I import it with Audacity I use the settings:
Signed 16bit PCM Big-endian 1 Channel (mono) Sample rate 44100
and the output on that works just fine.
If anyone is familiar with SoX I would appreciate any hints,
p.s. Here is the link to the raw file
Endianness seems to be the issue.
By default it is taken to be little endian, but by including the -B
flag the data is read as big endian.
sox -t raw -r 44100 -b 16 -e signed-integer -B -c 1 000000.raw test2.wav