So I was messing around with JSFL, and I wanted to set the storke to None. That should be done like this:
var stroke = fl.getDocumentDOM().getCustomStroke("toolbar"); = "noStroke";
But that does NOT work.
Doing the corresponding thing with fills work! (I've had NO trouble with fills at all!)
If I manually set the storke to "None" in the toolbar (using the color-picker), and then execute this:
var stroke = fl.getDocumentDOM().getCustomStroke("toolbar"); = "solid";
stroke.color = "#0066ff";
I get a solid storke with aRGB value: 00 00 00 00 (0 alpha, 0 red, 0 green, 0 blue). (Which normally is impossible using the color-toolbar)
If I execute that command once more, I get the right stroke color! (It also works if I have any normal solid color. If the stroke is a gradient or bitmap, nothing happens).
As I mentioned, there have been NO problems at all with setting things for fills. ONLY strokes.
I've also encountered this bug that doesn't allow you to set "noStroke." I have found a workaround, though. Swap the stroke and fill, then set the fill to "noFill" and swap back. Like so:
var dom = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var tempFill = dom.getCustomFill("toolbar"); = "noFill";