I'm moving an old ASP application from a Windows Server 2012R2 to a new Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition: Old server had IIS 8, new server uses IIS 10
this application has some routines that makes an MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0 call to a page hosted on the same server:
the problem is that this routine works on the old server, but does not work on the new server
I build this small routine to make the test
Dim xmlhttp
Dim payload
Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
xmlhttp.setTimeouts 30,500,1000,1000
xmlhttp.Open "GET", "http://sameserver.com/test.asp?"&payload , false
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number Then
response.write "ERROR: Could Not Retrieve Remote Server <br> Error Number: "&Err.Number&"<br>Error Description: "&Err.Description
response.write = "OK: "&xmlhttp.ResponseText
End If
On Error Goto 0
Set xmlhttp = nothing
that works on the old server but on the new server returns
Error Number: -2147012894
Error Description: Operation Timeout
I thought there were some bad/missing settings on new server, perhaps in IIS Settings, but I also tried a very simple test in PHP, that works fine:
$timer= new DateTime();
echo file_get_contents($url);
Clearly I can change these routine and use PHP, but I'm afraid that this error could create also other, at present, undisclosed issues
Can suggest the possible reason, or, at least, which checks has to be made?
Your answer is here. Microsoft recommends not making ServerXMLHTTP to the same server. There are probably alternatives; it's hard to tell what you're trying to do from the code you posted.