I can connect to a linked server with this:
SELECT testNo, soruTuruId, soruNo, cevap , degerlendirenTcNo, degerlendirilenTcNo FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=;User ID=readerUser;Password=1').akreditasyon.dbo.tblPerfCevap
But I have to pass the password as parameter. and I try like this:
SET @connectionString = 'Data Source=;User ID=readerUser;Password='+@pw
SELECT testNo, soruTuruId, soruNo, cevap , degerlendirenTcNo, degerlendirilenTcNo FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', @connectionString ).akreditasyon.dbo.tblPerfCevap
SELECT testNo, soruTuruId, soruNo, cevap , degerlendirenTcNo, degerlendirilenTcNo FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=;User ID=readerUser;Password='+@pw ).akreditasyon.dbo.tblPerfCevap
but didnt work:S
does anyone have an idea?
use exec () function to run the query. Wrap your query into a valid string.