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Uploading NuGet add-on package to Episerver throws exception

I am researching on EPiserver. I set up the environment localhost, I create an addOn and now I am trying to uploaded as I have already created a .nupkg file. But I receive this exception:

"The schema version of 'TestAddOn' is incompatible with version 2.0.30619.9119 of NuGet. Please upgrade NuGet to the latest version from " I run

 nuget.exe update -Self 

on my pc but I have already the latest version.

Checking for updates from
Currently running NuGet.exe 4.6.2.
NuGet.exe is up to date.

What can it be the mismatch here? Thank you in advance.


Here is the nuspec file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<releaseNotes>Summary of changes made in this release of the package.</releaseNotes>
<copyright>Copyright 2018</copyright>
<tags>Tag1 Tag2</tags>


  • It's maybe strange a lot but it needed to update NuGet.Core package to a newer version. For instance from 2.0.3 to 2.7.2.