I wanted to change the pages 'register user', 'change password' and 'user edit'. This is not possible in the Drupal frontend, and you also have to pay a lot of attention in the code. In forums you will usually find little help and if then rather not satisfactory. Therefore, I like to share my solution to save the one or other headache.
The three forms are already available from Drupal standard, if you want to change them you have to access the route and redirect.
For this you first create a module like 'my_forms'.
Second the form or a page that you want to hook into the website. e.g. 'ForgotPasswordForm'
Create a folder inside your my_forms 'Routing' and a file like 'RouteSubscriber.php'
namespace Drupal\my_forms\Routing;
class RouteSubscriber extends RouteSubscriberBase{
protected function alterRoutes( RouteCollection $collection ){
//enter code here
//edit the 'forgot password' page
if ( $route = $collection->get( 'user.pass' ) ){
$route->setDefault( '_form', '\Drupal\my_forms\Form\ForgotPasswordForm' );
The keyword 'user.pass' allows you to change the routing. setDefault redirects the route to your own form.
//edit the 'register' page
if ( $route = $collection->get( 'user.register' ) )
$route->setDefaults( array(
'_title' => 'Register',
'_controller' => '\Drupal\myy_forms\Controller\LocalTaskController::offerRegistrationPage'
The keyword for the registration is 'user.register'. By setting the route with setDefaults you can also change the name of the link/button. In this case I used a controller to print out a normal page inside the registration. (more at the end of the post)
if ( $route = $collection->get( 'entity.user.edit_form' ) ){
//enter code here
For the 'user edit' page you need to use the keyword 'entity.user.edit_form'.
Load simple page with a Drupal Controller:
namespace Drupal\my_forms\Controller;
class LocalTaskController extends ControllerBase{
/** @var NodeStorage $nodeStorage */
protected $nodeStorage;
/** @var EntityViewBuilder $viewBuilder */
protected $viewBuilder;
function __construct( $nodeStorage, $viewBuilder )
$this->nodeStorage = $nodeStorage;
$this->viewBuilder = $viewBuilder;
public static function create( ContainerInterface $container )
$nodeStorage = $container->get( 'entity.manager' )->getStorage( 'node' );
$viewBuilder = $container->get( 'entity_type.manager' )->getViewBuilder( 'node' );
return new static( $nodeStorage, $viewBuilder );
public function offerRegistrationPage()
$node = $this->nodeStorage->load( 24 );
$renderArray = $this->viewBuilder->view( $node );
return [
'#type' => '#markup',
'#markup' => render( $renderArray ),
The '24' is the nid of the simple page, which should be displayed instead of the standard registration.