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How to delete a previous row while reading a row of a csv file by python3

I want to clean-up 12,000 wiki pages from this wiki category. For that, i am having all the 12,000 wikipages in a csv file. When my code runs, it modifies the page, one by one. How can i delete a previous row while reading a (next) row of a CSV file by python3 ? If it is possible, it will be easy to share the remaining rows of the csv file to another wiki contributor. Otherwise, i should manually open the csv file to delete 'the completed rows'.

My code as simplified;-

import csv
import pywikibot

with open('0.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter="~")
    for row in reader:
    #if len(row) == 8:
        wikiPage1 = row[0]
        indexPages = row[5]
        print (wikiPage1)

        site = pywikibot.Site('ta', 'wiktionary')
        page1 = pywikibot.Page(site, wikiPage1)

        page1.text = page1.text.replace('Number','எண்')''Number --> எண்') 


  • I learned from two web pages page-1, page-2 of this site.

    The below code do this target;-

    #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    #bringing the needed library modules
    import csv, time, subprocess"sed -i `` 1d 0-123.csv",shell=True)
    WAIT_TIME = 10
    with open('0-123.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter="~")
        for row in reader:
    #removing the first line of the csv        
  "sed -i `` 1d 0-123.csv",shell=True)
            wiktHeader1 = row[0]#.decode('utf-8')
            print ()
            print (wiktHeader1 + ' = படி-1: விக்சனரியின் தலைப்புச்சொல்.')