I have one websocket server and one websocket client both in Java. The websocket server has this:
public Greeting greeting(final HelloMessage message) throws Exception {
Thread.sleep(1000); // simulated delay
return new Greeting("Hello, " + message.getName() + "!");
And in the Java WebSocket client I have the following in my StompSessionHandler.afterConnected:
session.subscribe("/topic/greetings", stompFrameHandler)
Then, I am able to communicate between the two by, the client sending a message to the server path "hello" and then since the client is subscribed to "topic/greetings", I am also to handle the response with my stompFrameHandler.
But I am wondering if it is possible for a client to subscribe to two different "channels", so something like this in StompSessionHandler.afterConnected:
session.subscribe("/topic/greetings", greetingsFrameHandler)
session.subscribe("/topic/farewell", farewellFrameHandler)
Because I tried and I can only receive events from topic/greetings, but not for topic/farewell. I do not know if this is important, but to trigger a farewell event I make a rest call to the websocket server:
@PostMapping(value = "/sendFarewellEvent", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Farewell farewell(@RequestBody final Farewell farewell) throws Exception {
Thread.sleep(1000); // simulated delay
return farewell;
I am wondering if it is possible for a client to subscribe to two different "channels"
Yes, that works.
to trigger a farewell event I make a rest call to the websocket server
Just combining @PostMapping
with @SendTo
does not work as you would wish. The handlers for @PostMapping
) are different than those handling the @MessageMapping
) and don't handle the @SendTo
annotation in any special way.
You may want to use SimpMessagingTemplate
to send the message explicitly: How to call @SendTo from Normal Request Call i.e @RequestMapping