Search code examples

Validation Error: Value is required error for list selection event


Use Ajax to fire an event to the web server when a list of items are selected. The element is a JSF rich:orderingList item.


The class that must receive the event:

public class BusinessAreaListHandler extends ListHandler<ListElement> {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -581048454118449233L;

  public BusinessAreaListHandler() { load(); }
  public List<ListElement> getBusinessAreas() { return getList(); }
  public Set<ListElement> getSelection() { return getSet(); }

  public void select() {
    System.out.println( "Clicked Element" );

  protected void load() {
    appendList( new ListElement( "employee" ) );
    appendList( new ListElement( "company" ) );
    appendList( new ListElement( "payroll" ) );

The ListElement container object:

public class ListElement implements Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 5396525520175914504L;

  public final static char SEPARATOR = ':';

  private String id, value;

  protected ListElement( String value ) {
    this( Integer.toString( value.hashCode() ), value );

  public ListElement( String id, String value ) {
    setId( id );
    setValue( value );

  public int hashCode() {
    return (53 * (getId().hashCode() + 5)) + (53 * (getValue().hashCode() + 5));

  public boolean equals( Object obj ) {
    ListElement le = null;

    if( obj != null && obj instanceof ListElement ) {
      le = (ListElement)obj;

    return le == null ? false : compare( le );

  private boolean compare( ListElement le ) {
    return getId().equals( le.getId() ) && getValue().equals( le.getValue() );

  public String getId() {
    return == null ? "" :;

  public void setId( String id ) { = id;

  public String getValue() {
    return this.value == null ? "" : this.value;

  public void setValue( String value ) {
    this.value = value;

  public String toString() {
    return getValue();

The ListConverter:

public class ListConverter implements Converter {
  public Object getAsObject( FacesContext fc, UIComponent ui, String value ) {
    ListElement result = new ListElement( value );
    int index = value.lastIndexOf( ListElement.SEPARATOR );

    System.out.println( "Convert FROM: " + value );

    if( index > 0 ) {
      String id = value.substring( 0, index );
      String v = value.substring( index + 1 );
      result = new ListElement( id, v );

    System.out.println( "Convert TO  : " + result.toString() );

    return result;

  public String getAsString( FacesContext fc, UIComponent ui, Object value ) {
    return value.toString();

The XHTML fragment that sets up the list and event actions:

<h:panelGrid columns="2">
    <rich:orderingList value="#{businessAreas.list}" var="businessArea" converter="businessAreaConverter" immediate="true" orderControlsVisible="false" fastOrderControlsVisible="false" selection="#{businessAreas.selection}" id="BusinessAreas">
      <f:facet name="caption">
        <h:outputText value="Business Areas" />
        <h:outputText value="#{businessArea}" />
      <a4j:support event="onclick" ignoreDupResponses="true" requestDelay="500" action="#{}" reRender="ColumnClusters" />
      <a4j:support event="onkeyup" ignoreDupResponses="true" requestDelay="500" action="#{}" reRender="ColumnClusters" />
    <rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{columnClusters.list}" targetValue="#{domainContent.list}" var="columnCluster" converter="columnClusterConverter" sourceRequired="false" targetRequired="true" moveControlsVisible="true" orderControlsVisible="false" fastOrderControlsVisible="false" sourceCaptionLabel="Column Clusters" targetCaptionLabel="Domain Content" copyTitle="Move" copyControlLabel="Move" copyAllControlLabel="Move All" copyAllTitle="Move All" id="ColumnClusters">
        <h:outputText value="#{columnCluster}" />
    <h:commandButton action="action" value="Create Domain" />

The corresponding managed bean is set in faces-config.xml correctly.

Browser output:

Error Message

The following error message is displayed:

INFO: WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, but may not have been displayed. sourceId=j_id2:ColumnClusters[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(j_id2:ColumnClusters: Validation Error: Value is required.), detail=(j_id2:ColumnClusters: Validation Error: Value is required.)]


New Element (Hash:Value): 1193469614:employee
New Element (Hash:Value): 950484093:company
New Element (Hash:Value): -786522843:payroll
New Element (Hash:Value): 3373707:name
New Element (Hash:Value): -1147692044:address
New Element (Hash:Value): 114603:tax
New Element (Hash:Value): 1193469614:employee
Convert FROM: employee
Convert TO  : employee
New Element (Hash:Value): 950484093:company
Convert FROM: company
Convert TO  : company
New Element (Hash:Value): -786522843:payroll
Convert FROM: payroll
Convert TO  : payroll
New Element (Hash:Value): 3373707:name
Convert FROM: name
Convert TO  : name
New Element (Hash:Value): -1147692044:address
Convert FROM: address
Convert TO  : address
New Element (Hash:Value): 114603:tax
Convert FROM: tax
Convert TO  : tax


What is required to trigger a call to select() in BusinessAreaListHandler when users select (or deselect) items?


Thank you!


  • The problem is this attribute:


    Since the click triggers an immediate Ajax request to the server, it is expected that the right-hand shuttle (the target) has data. Without data, the validation error will be posted.