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TabLayoutPanel disable a Tab GWT

How can i disable a tab (i.e the user cannot open the tab when he clicks on it) in the TabLayoutPanel?I searched online but was not able to find a solution



  • Use a BeforeSelectionHandler:

    TabLayoutPanel myPanel = new TabLayoutPanel();
    // Add children...
    myPanel.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() {
      public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) {
        // Simple if statement - your test for whether the tab should be disabled
        // will probably be more complicated
        if (event.getItem() == 1) {
          // Canceling the event prevents the tab from being selected.

    If you want to style the disabled tab differently than enabled tabs, you can use TabLayoutPanel#getTabWidget to get the tab widget and add a style name to it.