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MySQL changes UTF-8 to ASCII-8BIT

I've this scenario.

A movie title:

$ title = "La leyenda de Osaín"

With this encoding:

>> UTF-8

I then saves it to the database.

$ movie = Movie.create!(:title => title)

Then I try to get the movie.

$ Movie.find(

$ Movie.find(
>> "La leyenda de Osa\xC3\xADn"

All other movies works that does not contain special characters like í and û.

This is my database.yaml file:

  adapter: mysql
  database: development
  username: linus
  password: my_password
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
  encoding: UTF8

I'm getting the right sort of data when using forced_encoding.

$ Movie.find("UTF-8")
>> "La leyenda de Osaín"

I'm using Rails 3.0.5.rc1 with MySQL 14.14.

Anyone knows what the problem may be?


  • I found a solution to my problem. Now I'm using the newer mysql2 gem.

    I replaced gem "mysql" with gem "mysql2" inside the Gemfile.

    Then I changed the database adapter inside the database.yaml file.


      adapter: mysql
      database: development
      username: linus
      password: my_password
      socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
      encoding: UTF8


        adapter: mysql2
        database: development
        username: linus
        password: my_password
        socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
        encoding: UTF8

    I think this was the deal breaker in my case:

    Taken from Github MySQL2

    [...]It also forces the use of UTF-8 [or binary] for the connection [and all strings in 1.9[...]