I am using a clojure web application as a proxy web server.
All of my requests are coming into this clojure ring web application then I use clj-http to send the request on to the final destination.
So I have this working as a naive solution so far that simply calls clj-http/request
for each request. This code is extremely similar to what I am doing.
But this isn't good enough yet because each time a request is made, a new http client is initialized. I need connection pooling so that http clients are re-used properly.
The clj-http documentation about persistent connections states that you re-use connections like this:
(with-connection-pool {:timeout 5 :threads 4 :insecure? false :default-per-route 10}
(get "http://example.org/1")
(post "http://example.org/2")
(get "http://example.org/3")
(get "http://example.org/999"))
Perhaps I am just not good enough with clojure yet, but how would someone surround all requests coming into https://github.com/tailrecursion/ring-proxy/blob/master/src/tailrecursion/ring_proxy.clj#L40 with this connection pool?
Implement a middleware that adds the connection manager into the request map.
You will need to handle the lifecycle of the connection manager yourself rather than the with- form - see the final part of the clj-http documentation on persistent connections.