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Web signature with X509 certificate + smartcard

I'm trying to add signature functionality to my web app.

The signature must be made with a smartcard. So, after searching in a lot of places I found webcrypto-socket ( - Webcrypto socket module implements Crypto interface and uses Fortify application for crypto implementation.

Then, I could sign in to my app but the signature that it produces was not a valid PKCS signature, it was returning only the signature hash without the public certificate.

My code is based on this example:

In addition, comments for webcrypto-socket and fortify are welcome!

I'm doing something like this, where providers and certificates are filled as fortify recommends:

function sign() {
    var provider;
    var cert;
        .then(function () {
            var providerID = document.getElementById("providers").value;
            return ws.getCrypto(providerID)
        .then(function (crypto) {
            provider = crypto;
          setEngine('subtle', crypto, 
    new CryptoEngine({ name: 'subtle', crypto: crypto, subtle: crypto.subtle }));

            return GetCertificate(provider,
        .then(function (certificate) {
            cert = certificate;
            return GetCertificateKey("private", provider,
        .then(function (key) {
            if (!key) {
                throw new Error("Certificate doesn't have private key");

            var textToSignElement = document.getElementById("textToSign");
            var signatureResultElement = 
            signDataElement(textToSignElement, signatureResultElement, 
                cert, key, provider);


function signDataElement(textToSignElement, signatureResultElement, 
    key, cert, provider) {
    var message = pvtsutils.Convert.FromBase64(hashElement.value);
    var hashAlg =;
    var sequence = Promise.resolve();
    sequence = sequence.then(() => provider.subtle.digest({ name: hashAlg },
        new Uint8Array(message)));
    var cmsSignedSimpl = null;
    var messHex = null;
    var certRaw = null;

    sequence = sequence.then(function (res) {
        messHex = res;
        return GetCertificateAsPEM(provider, cert);

    //region Combine all signed extensions
    sequence = sequence.then(result => {
        certRaw = result;
        var signedAttr = [];

        signedAttr.push(new Attribute({
            type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3",
            values: [new ObjectIdentifier({ value: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" })]
        })); // contentType

        signedAttr.push(new Attribute({
            type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5",
            values: [new UTCTime({ valueDate: new Date() })]
        })); // signingTime

        signedAttr.push(new Attribute({
            type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4",
            values: [new OctetString({ valueHex: messHex})]
        })); // messageDigest

        return signedAttr;

    sequence = sequence.then(signedAttr => {
        var asn1 = fromBER(PemToDer(certRaw));
        var newCert = new Certificate({ schema: asn1.result });

        newCert.issuer.typesAndValues.push(new AttributeTypeAndValue({
            type: "", // Common name
            value: new BmpString({ value: cert.issuerName })
        cmsSignedSimpl = new SignedData({
            version: 1,
            encapContentInfo: new EncapsulatedContentInfo({
                eContentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" // "data" content type
            signerInfos: [new SignerInfo({
                version: 1,
                sid: new IssuerAndSerialNumber({
                    issuer: newCert.issuer,
                    serialNumber: newCert.serialNumber
                signedAttrs: new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({
                    type: 0,
                    attributes: signedAttr
            certificates: [newCert]
        return cmsSignedSimpl.sign(key, 0, hashAlg, message)

    sequence = sequence.then(() => {
        var cmsSignedSchema = cmsSignedSimpl.toSchema(true);

        var cmsContentSimp = new ContentInfo({
            contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2",
            content: cmsSignedSchema

        var _cmsSignedSchema = cmsContentSimp.toSchema();

        //region Make length of some elements in "indefinite form"
        _cmsSignedSchema.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true;

        var block1 = _cmsSignedSchema.valueBlock.value[1];
        block1.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true;

        var block2 = block1.valueBlock.value[0];
        block2.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true;


       return _cmsSignedSchema.toBER(false);
    }, error => Promise.reject(`Erorr during signing of CMS Signed Data: ${error}`));

    sequence.then((certificateBuffer) => {
        var certSimplString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, 
            new Uint8Array(certificateBuffer));

        signatureElement.value = formatPEM(window.btoa(certSimplString));

        alert("Certificate created successfully!");

    return sequence;

function GetCertificate(provider, certID) {
    var certID;
    return provider.certStorage.getItem(certID)
        .then(function (cert) {
            return cert;

function GetCertificateAsPEM(provider, cert) {
    return provider.certStorage.exportCert('PEM', cert);

The signDataElement is based on


  • We use Fortify ( in Hancock ( with PKIjs ( and CAdESjs ( to create a CMS signature.

    You can see a basic CMS example in JS based on PKIjs here:

    You will need to provide us with an example of what you are doing and we can tell you what you need to do differently.
