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Twilio Send Message API Error 21603

I'm using postman to see the response format of send message api in Twilio. The Api that I'm using is{AccountSid}/Messages. I have entered the basic authentication parameters (Account_Sid and AuthToken as username and password) the json request format is

"To":"My Number",
"From":"Twilio Number",
"Body":"Hello this msg is from postman"}

But I'm getting error 21603 which states "A 'From 'phone number is required". Can you please tell me where I'm wrong. The messages are sent when using Twilio console.


  • I can't see your Postman but, maybe this is what you're missing...

    Click on the Body tab and make sure form-data is selected from the radio buttons.

    enter image description here

    Also if you go to Twilio docs page ( you can see the expected response if you click on the OUTPUT link (tab) that is located at the top right of the code sample.

    enter image description here