I’m trying to find a way to place an image into an illustrator document with AppleScript, but I can’t find a place image command that works.
Ideally I would give the AppleScript my image’s file path, and it would place said image in a file when executed.
Anybody do this before?
Do you have the Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 Reference PDF? This example is straight out of it:
-- This function adds a new placed item to a document from a file reference,
-- fileToPlace, which is passed in during the function call, fileToPlace is an
-- alias or file reference to an art file, which must be set up before calling this
-- function, itemPosition is a fixed point at which to position the placed item
on PlacedItemCreate(fileToPlace)
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set itemPosition to {100.0, 200.0}
set placedRef to make new placed item in document 1 ¬
with properties {file path:fileToPlace, position:itemPosition}
end tell
end PlacedItemCreate