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How to add custom css in wix website

I am new at wix and editing a website and want to add css in a page. but not found any option for css. Anybody know how to add custom css code in wix website?



  • You can do this by embedding inline styles to every page, via creating a chunk of custom css code contained between <style> and </style>.

    1. Go to your site's dashboard.
    2. Click Manage Website on the left.
    3. Click Tracking & Analytics.
    4. Click + New Tool **and select **Custom from the dropdown.
    5. Set up your custom code:
      1. Enter your custom code.
      2. Select the relevant domain. Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.
      3. Enter a name for your custom code.
      4. Add Code to Pages: Select which pages to add your code to:
        • **All Pages: **Click the dropdown to select an option:
          • Load code once.
          • Load code on each new page.
        • **Choose specific pages: **Begin typing the name of the relevant pages and then click the checkbox next to the relevant page.
      5. Place Code in: Select where the code snippet in placed in your site's code:
        • Head - as noted by @Daniel Gurtner, avoid this because it'll insert it BEFORE any of the inherent styles, which makes it mostly useless here.
        • Body - start
        • Body - end Note: I'd recommend adding your style chunk here to avoid having a delay effect on your loading
    6. Click Apply.