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How to create Azure Mgmt serializer/deserializer parameters?

I can see in both the latest azure-mgmt-media & storage sdk's for Python the user is expected to pass in 2 args for Serializer/Deserializer. I've got very little Python experience and I can't figure out how to create these objects.

I can't find ANY media examples and no storage examples with the latest signature (3-01-18). I just want to create a media service asset and I don't know why I'd need to pass these args since I'm using standard SDK types. Can anyone point me to some examples of creating these? I can find

The documentation lists:

:param serializer: An object model serializer.
:param deserializer: An object model deserializer.

Two examples of these classes are: azure-sdk-for-python/azure-mgmt-media/azure/mgmt/media/operations/



The signature is: def init(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer):


Edited to append details of my issue trying to create a media asset:

import as azuremedia
client = azuremedia.AzureMediaServices(credentials,
assetOper = operations.AssetsOperations(client, client.config, 
               client._serialize, client._deserialize)
asset = assetOper.create_or_update(resource_group_name=resourceGroup,

^but the create_or_update method uses the code below and MY client's _serialize doesn't have a url property so it blows up!

From the top of the create_or_update method:

path_format_arguments = {
        'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self.config.subscription_id",                 self.config.subscription_id, 'str'),
        'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name",             resource_group_name, 'str'),
        'accountName': self._serialize.url("account_name", account_name, 'str'),
        'assetName': self._serialize.url("asset_name", asset_name, 'str')


  • Serializer and Deserializer are internal classes you're not supposed to create manually.

    Instead, you must create a client that will do this for free for you. Please refer to this Storage Mgmt samples:

    The sample does not provide examples of "blob_containers", but will give you an overview on how to use "accounts" and the same logic will apply:

    client.blobs_containers.get(rg_name, account_name, container_name)

    You probably should do the short tutorial on SDK too:

    There is no samples yet for media, but same logic applies.

    (I own this code at MS)