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differences between create-react-native-app and exp init

I found that create-react-native-app is based on expo. but when using exp-cli, it is also based on Expo.

what are differences between create-react-native-app and exp init ?


  • Answer to this question is well documented in expo documentation

    Expo & "Create React Native App"

    Create React Native App lets you build a React Native app without any build configuration. This may sound familiar to you because Expo does this as well -- when you create a project with XDE or exp you don't have to deal with Xcode or Android Studio configuration files, it just works. This guide is intended to outline some of the key differences between Expo and CRNA (create-react-native-app).

    CRNA does not require you to have an Expo account

    You can run create-react-native-app YourAppName and off you go. So what does not having an account mean, and what would signing up and using XDE/exp get you -- why do we require it with Expo? Having an Expo account allows you to do the following:

    • Publish your project to a permanent URL, eg: Publishing on Expo for more information.
    • Build binaries for app / play store distribution. To do this with CRNA without using Expo, you would need to run eject.