Actually I am trying to get the sub-domain URL using php. I write code below:
$sub_url = explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$suburl = $sub_url[0];
For Example:
if sub domain URL is like
the code above is giving me my
which is good but if there is no sub domain then my code will return example
which is not good.
I want anything before the first dot even www
but if there is nothing like if URL is
then I want a blank value instead of example
Here's a one-liner to get the subdomain:
$subdomain = join('.', explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], -2))
with the limit parameter of -2
will split the string on each dot, ignoring the last two elements. If there are two or fewer elements, it returns an empty array.
will assemble the resulting array back into a dot delimited string. In case you have multiple subdomains set, e.g.
will return
If there is no subdomain, it will return an empty string.