I know that I can set length of ticks with length
parameter of AxesSubplot.tick_params()
How may I determine the actual length of major ticks of certain axis?
Please assume the length may be altered.
The default length of the ticks is determined by the xtick.major.size
or ytick.major.size
, or the xtick.minor.size
or ytick.minor.size
You may find out programmatically via
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
This prints in the usual case 3.5
(size in points).
You may equally use those the rcParams to set the length
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 6
This will work in all cases where you create the axes yourself and have not (yet) changed the length e.g. via the tick_params
Otherwise, you can find out the tick length via
where ax
is the axes in question.