I'm trying to replace the switch/case
structure by an other tool doing the same thing but with better performance ( less execution time ... ), I have in mind the #ifdef
method but I have no idea how to use it in such situation:
float k_function(float *x,float *y,struct svm_model model)
int i;
float sum=0.0;
case LINEAR :
return result1;
case POLY :
return result2;
case RBF :
return result3;
case SIGMOID :
return result4;
default :
return 0;
PS :
typedef enum kernel_type {LINEAR, POLY, RBF, SIGMOID};
As I already commented, I do not believe preprocessor statements are what you are looking for. To use a preprocessor conditional, model.model_kernel_type
would need to be a constant defined using a #define
I do not know the internals of the switch statement, as it could be O(n) or O(1) depending on how the compiler handles it. If you needed to be sure of a O(1) time complexity, you could simply replace your switch statement with a lookup table like so:
float model_type_results[4] = {result1, result2, result3, result4};
return model_type_results[model.model_kernel_type];