I am investing a lot of time into properly understanding of architecture components and the how everything fits into MVVM pattern. So far here's how I see things (without doing Dagger injection as I haven't got that far yet):
a) UserEntity
is a class with @Entity
annotation to handle Room
's table creation
public class Users{
private long id;
private String name;
b) User
pojo class in the model to use it around the app and has supplemental fields as needed.
public class User{
private long id;
private String name;
private List<Role> roles;
private Preferences preferences;
beside this there can be different pojos depending on what I need from db, for instance, UserWithRoles
c) UserDao
takes care of getting or inserting/updating info in the room database. In here, for @Insert
, @Update
I can user the UserEntity
but for @Query
I can also use the pojo classes
public abstract class UserDao{
public abstract long insertUser(User user)
@Query("Select someFields from inner joined tables")
public abstract LiveData<List<UserRoles> getUsersWithRoles();
d) Have RepositoryUser
as the repository between ViewModel and Dao
public class RepositoryUser{
private UserDao userDao;
public RepositoryUser(Application app){
Database db = Databaase.getDatabase(app.getApplicationContext);
userDao = db.userDao();
public LiveData<List<UserWithRoles>> getUsersWithRoles(){
return userDao.getUsersWithRoles()
e) UserWithRolesViewModel
to be available for the fragment that shows the list with users and their roles
public class UserWithRolesViewModel extends AndroidViewModel{
private RepositoryUser repositoryUser;
public UserWithRolesViewModel(Application app){
repositoryUser = new RepositoryUser(app);
public LiveData<List<UserWithRoles>> getUsersWithRoles(){
return repositoryUser.getUsersWithRoles()
f) In my fragment I can do something like:
public void onCreate(...){
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(UserWithRolesViewModel.class);
public View onCreateView(...){
public void onChanged(...){
However, there are some pieces that are missing. From my understanding according to MVVM the view should only be responsible for showing info, so no actual logic or even handling to be made inside the fragment or activity. At this point I have 2 questions:
and implement it in activity
. Then on fragment
when I wanted to inform the activity to do something, I would do callback.onFragmentAction(params)
and the onFragmentAction
in the activity would fire and act accordingly. How is this scenario handled in MVVM? How does a fragment talk to it's parent activity?onCreateView
, inflate the layout, use findViewById
to get the views and use, for instance textView.setText() or button.setOnClickListener(). How can this be done in MVVM? Use DataBinding? On the regular way, I would create an interface, for instance onFragmentAction and implement it in activity. Then on fragment when I wanted to inform the activity to do something, I would do callback.onFragmentAction(params) and the onFragmentAction in the activity would fire and act accordingly. How is this scenario handled in MVVM? How does a fragment talk to it's parent activity?
For interaction, you can create ViewModel
that is shared between Fragment
and Activity
. In that case you have an abstraction, where you push some data in ViewModel
where it gets an event whoever listens to same ViewModel
For example this method is recommended for Fragment
to Fragment
communications, but I think it also fits Fragment
to Activity
On the regular way I would have inside the fragment's onCreateView, inflate the layout, use findViewById to get the views and use, for instance textView.setText() or button.setOnClickListener(). How can this be done in MVVM? Use DataBinding?
You can use either DataBinding or Kotlin Android Extension, both should be fine with MVVM. Through DataBinding should be better, since it will reduce boilerplate. But personally I find Kotlin Android Extensions also very clean.