I am trying to learn using CGAL. I have questions about which data structures and triangulation schemes to use for my problem.
Problem description:
I have a small number ( < 1000) of particles moving on a sphere. I need to make a triangular Delaunay mesh out of this point cloud. At every time step, I need to:
Please let me know if any more information is required.
Giving part answers to your questions :
3/ You can use openmesh library to mesh your points. It allows one to reach the first ring of neighbours very fast as explained here, and also all edges and faces. I can't be sure if it is the data structure that gives the fastest access to these informations. To give you a hint of what speed to expect, In my work I use openmesh : running 30 'for' loops, each loop going over the first ring neighbours of the 500 000 vertices of my mesh and computing some arithmetics (typically center of gravity), takes in total less than 100ms.
1/ With openmesh, at any time you can reset a point position without changing its connectivity (it won't delete already defined edges and faces).
2/ To check if remeshing is needed, you have to check wether Delaunay condition is still satisfied at every point of your mesh. If it is not, remesh the whole or swap suitable edges.
Hope this helps!