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creating max date function using sql in databricks

I am writing queries in databricks using sql on views and would like to calculate max of dates of update timestamp column across multiple views. for instance i am joining table a with table b and would like to know max(a.updt_ts,b.updt_ts). since max function can not have more than one columns mentioned, i want to create a function. Any help is greatly appreciated. below is what i have:

CREATE temporary FUNCTION ufnGetMaxDt (@Date1 DATETIME2,@Date2 DATETIME2) 
          , @MinDt datetime2;  

    SET @MinDt = cast('1900-01-01' as datetime2);

    IF (@Date1) is null  SET @Date1 = @MinDt; 
    IF (@Date2) is null  SET @Date2 = @MinDt; 

    SET @ret = CASE When @Date1 >= @Date2
                    Then @Date1
                    else @Date2

     IF (@ret IS NULL)   
        SET @ret = @MinDt;  -- Dummy date
    RETURN @ret;  


  • You could just use greatest? eg

    SELECT *, GREATEST( date1, date2 ) xmax 
    FROM tmp

    Or put them in an array, explode it and then max that? eg something like this:

    WITH cte AS
    SELECT *, EXPLODE( ARRAY( date1, date2 ) ) xmax 
    FROM tmp
    SELECT MAX( xmax )
    FROM cte

    Seems a bit excessive when you can just use greatest though? It's also worth having a read through the list of Spark SQL built-in functions. You don't have to remember them all but at least if you know something is possible it's useful: