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What's the difference between an object initialised in the constructor vs properties

I have several mixins in a project I'm assigned too. Some have their objects set in the properties like:

static get properties() {
  return {
    config: {
      type: Object

While other mixins have their objects set in the constructor like:

constructor() {

  this.language = {
    name: "english",
    label: "EN"

I guess both are globally accessible cause the mixins are loaded everywhere. But what's the difference between both implementations?

edit (additional code)

These mixins get created the following way:

MyMixin = function (superClass) {
  return class extends superClass {

    static get properties() {
      return {
        config: {
          type: Object

    constructor() {

or other method:

MyMixin = function (superClass) {
  return class extends superClass {

    static get properties() {
      return {

    constructor() {
      this.language = {
        name: "english",
        label: "EN"

and they are used by another component the following way:

class HomePage extends MyMixin(Polymer.Element) {


  • The ones created via Properties Object are mapped as HTML Attributes which means you can have a data binding for instance:

    <my-component config="[[someContent]]"></my-component>

    Variables created in constructor or connectedCallback are not mapped as HTML Attributes so you can not bind these from the outside.


    Will return

      name: "english",
      label: "EN"



    will return undefined and

    <my-component language="[[someContent]]"></my-component>

    wont work