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Didn't get any response from messenger

Following Facebook tutorial on how to setup a messenger bot - setup my webhook using ngrok. Everything goes well on local testing, but still not getting any response from the bot when sending messages to it .


facebook tutorial

used this command to test my bot locally and it got success

curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"object":"page","entry":[{"id":43674671559,"time":1460620433256,"messaging":[{"sender":{"id":123456789},"recipient":{"id":987654321},"timestamp":1460620433123,"message":{"mid":"mid.1460620432888:f8e3412003d2d1cd93","seq":12604,"text":"Testing Chat Bot .."}}]}]}' https://www.YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE


  • I found the solution, it was on the roles page setting as my messenger was on development mode so It needed to have only Admin, Developer, Testers to test it , So I've assigned to it a developer and web hook started receiving events .