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Vim tags with filenames containing a $

When I have a ctags entry that is in a filename containing a $ such as foo/bar/File$With$Dollars.ext vim won't open that file but will instead try to open foo/bar/Baz.ext. I tried making the output tag filename escape the $ with \$ - as you would do when opening that file with :e foo/bar/File\$With\$Dollars.ext - but that didn't work either.

Concretely, let's say I've got the following tag:

fooFunction     foo/bar/File$With$Dollars.ext   23;"    f

How can I make vim understand the $ is part of the file name when that file name is supplied by a ctags tags file?


  • I'm not particularly good with vimscript, but I ended up doing this:

    function SmaliFileFixTagFileName()
        let fname = expand("<afile>")
        let delbuf = 0
        if (stridx(fname, "$") != -1 )
            if (stridx(fname, "\\$") == -1)
                let fname = escape(fname, "$")
                let delbuf = 1
        exe "silent doau BufReadPre " . fname | exe "edit " . fname | exe "silent doau BufReadPost " . fname
        if (delbuf == 1)
            exe "bd " . escape(escape(fname, "\\"), "$")
    augroup tagfix
        au BufReadCmd *.smali call SmaliFileFixTagFileName()
    augroup end

    and ensuring the tags were generated with filenames escaping the $ as \$.

    It works for what I need. I'll leave this open for a bit just in case anyone has a better solution.