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How do I resolve import with absolute path?

What do I need to setup in brunch-config.js to be able to resolve absolute path from project's root folder? i.e

import { helper } from '/imports/utilities/helper'

The reason being is I have a legacy React app and it imports local files by using relative path. While I'm trying to use brunch, I need to figure out a way to setup brunch so that it understands the path without having to change the code.

I tried to use npm alias but not sure how it works

npm: {
  aliases: {
    '/imports': 'imports/**'


  • Found the solution with babel-plugin-module-resolver package.

    Since all my codes are under /imports dir, in brunch-config.js I setup an alias based on their documentation:

    plugins: {
      babel: {
        plugins: [
          ["module-resolver", {
            "root": ["./imports"],
            "alias": {
              "/imports": ([, path]) => `./imports${path}`,
        presets: [

    That way, if I do import Screen from '/imports/components/screens' it will resolve the file under ./imports/components/screens

    You can set the alias in .babelrc too but you might want to use regex instead.