I am rather new to Python and have been trying to run a .cmd file with it, but it won't run it from the correct location. My file Run_setup.cmd, is setting up another a different software with a bunch of related files and so I have sequestered them to their own folder for my sanity.
Currently I can get the .cmd file to run from the same location as my source code. I know I am messing up the file path for it with cwd=r'%s' based on what the documentation says, but I don't get how.
If cwd is not None, the function changes the working directory to cwd before executing the child. cwd can be a str and path-like object. In particular, the function looks for executable (or for the first item in args) relative to cwd if the executable path is a relative path.
I currently have it using cwd=r' C:\LargeFolder\Files\CorrectFolder' based off this post, and it seems that it works for any file path, but I can't seem to get it to work for me.
from subprocess import Popen
def runCmdfile():
# File Path to source code: 'C:\LargeFolder\Files'
myDir = os.getcwd()
# File Path to .cmd file: 'C:\LargeFolder\Files\CorrectFolder'
myDir = myDir + '\CorrectFolder'
runThis = Popen('Run_setup.cmd', cwd=r'%s' % myDir)
stdout, stderr = runThis.communicate()
What am I missing here, and furthermore what is the purpose of using cwd=r' ' ?
this one works for me:
def runCmdfile():
# File Path to source code: 'C:\LargeFolder\Files'
myDir = os.getcwd()
# File Path to .cmd file: 'C:\LargeFolder\Files\CorrectFolder'
myDir = os.path.join(myDir, 'CorrectFolder')
# Popen does not take cwd into account for the file to execute
# so we build the FULL PATH on our own
runThis = Popen(os.path.join(myDir, 'Run_setup.cmd'), cwd=myDir)
stdout, stderr = runThis.communicate()