I upload 12 image to imgur every half hour.
But meet this issue.
Imgur ERROR message: {'exception': [], 'code': 429, 'type': 'ImgurException', 'message': 'You are uploading too fast. Please wait -0 more minutes.'}
I don't understand why is -0 minutes. I guess I reach my rate limit, so try to see my rate limit. But it look normal.
"data": {
"UserLimit": 2000,
"UserRemaining": 2000,
"UserReset": 1521378886,
"ClientLimit": 12500,
"ClientRemaining": 12500
"success": true,
"status": 200
I try in different machine in same CLIENTID, the upload function work fine.
Did my IP be banned by imgur? When will they free my IP?
I find out each IP imgur will treat different user. But my machine curl credits api. The response look fine.
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.imgur.com/3/credits' \
--header 'Authorization: Client-ID xxx'
When I run upload image. It still will show
Imgur ERROR message: {'message': 'You are uploading too fast. Please wait -0 more minutes.', 'type': 'ImgurException', 'code': 429, 'exception': []}
However, other image function work fine such as get image.
Apparently "there is an upload limit of 50 images per IP address per hour".
I don't know why they don't state this on the main api.imgur.com page, it's essential information for an API...