I need to turn string that comes to me in the following format ' 7/ 7/2001 16 14 58' into a datetime object, but white spaces are not recognized as a time delimiter. I believe parser only recognizes [-,:/]. How can I add white spaces to dateutil?
The following code:
from dateutil import parser
example_datetime = ' 7/ 7/2001 16 14 58'
parsed_datetime = parser.parse(example_datetime)
Returns this error:
ValueError: ('Unknown string format:', ' 7/ 7/2001 16 14 58')
Why you do not use the datetime
library of python
and specify your format?
from datetime import datetime
parsed_datetime = datetime.strptime(example_datetime, '%d/ %m/%Y %H %M %S')
datetime.datetime(2001, 7, 7, 16, 14, 58)