I have a situation where the JSON being returned from an API has a field named extension, which is a reserved word in Swift. My codable is blowing up when I try to use it.
I've searched for the last two hours, but I can't seem to find any solution.
Has anyone run into this before:
public struct PhoneNumber: Codable {
var phoneNumber: String
var extension: String
var isPrimary: Bool
var usageType: Int
Keyword 'extension' cannot be used as an identifier here
I've had similar problems with 'return'. You can get around with CodingKeys.
public struct PhoneNumber: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case phoneNumber
case extensionString = "extension"
case isPrimary
case usageType
var phoneNumber: String
var extensionString: String
var isPrimiry: Bool
var usageType: Int
As you cant call a property 'extension' you name it something similar but use the CodingKeys to tell you object what the key in the JSON is.