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Optimization of execution of stored procedure in MSSQL server with SimpleJdbcCall

I have the code that executes some stored procedure. mssql-jdbc driver to connect to Microsoft SQL Server database is used.

Here is simplified code

SimpleJdbcCall call = simpleJdbcCallFactory.create(jdbcTemplate)
        new SqlParameter("Id1", Types.INTEGER),
        new SqlParameter("Id2", Types.TINYINT),
        new SqlParameter("Id3", Types.INTEGER))
    .returningResultSet("result", (rs, rowNum) -> MappingObject.builder()
            // .......

MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("Id1", 1);
params.addValue("Id2", 2);
params.addValue("Id3", 3);

Map queryRes = call.execute(params);  

When I run this I see in profiler 3 calls:

  • exec sp_executesql N'EXEC sp_stored_procedures @P0, @P1, @P2 ',N'@P0 nvarchar(4000),@P1 nvarchar(4000),@P2 nvarchar(4000)',N'MY_SP_NAME',N'MY_NAMESPACE',NULL It seems that it checks that stored procedure exists
  • exec sp_executesql N'EXEC sp_sproc_columns_100 @P0, @P1, @P2,@P3,@P4 ',N'@P0 nvarchar(4000),@P1 nvarchar(4000),@P2 nvarchar(4000),@P3 nvarchar(4000),@P4 nvarchar(4000)',N'MY_SP_NAME,N'MY_NAMESPACE',NULL,NULL,N'3' it gets a column information of this sp
  • exec sp_executesql N'EXEC MY_NAMESPACE.MY_SP_NAME @P0, @P1, @P2 ',N'@P0 int,@P1 tinyint,@P2 int',1,2,3 and finally it executes my stored procedure

I see in profiler 3 sql calls every time I run this one stored procedure. I'd like to make only one call, is it possible with SimpleJdbcCall?


  • I've just found an answer, maybe this will be useful to somebody. All we need to avoid 3 calls is withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess() for SimpleJdbcCall.

    Like this

    SimpleJdbcCall getQACall = simpleJdbcCallFactory.create(jdbcTemplate)
        // etc