I have a very simple angular material select component that's filled from an array of objects. I tried the double way binding with ngModel and the component select attribute but both don't work as expected.
What I am expecting: Changing the selected option updates the ngModel value with accordingly.
What actually happens: Changing the selected option fires the select change method but don't update the binded attribute.
How to reproduce: Select the Option2 and then go back to Option1, play only with 2 options.
Where to reproduce: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-qpk2di
So your error is actually not that complicated you have wrongly used the [()] braces
you used a eventhandler and "databinder" on value [(value)]
, but you only want to bind
[value] = "selected option"
the event is handled with the (selectionOnChange)="handleYourEvent()"