I'm using FMUs generated by OpenModelica from FMPy and PyFMI.
When I try to get directional derivatives from the FMUs, there are crashes (with both libraries).
The FMUs are generated from console:
c:\openmodelica1.13.0-dev-64bit\bin\omc -n=1 -d=-disableDirectionalDerivatives --postOptModules+=wrapFunctionCalls fmu.mos > error_fmu.txt 2>&1
Am I doing something wrong or could it be a bug in the FMU code?
translateModelFMU(E10_linear,version="2",fmuType="me", platforms={"static"});
model E10_linear
// Parameters
parameter Real a = 10.0;
// Variables
Real x(start = 1.0, fixed = true);
der(x) = a;
experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 2, Tolerance = 1e-06, Interval = 1));
end E10_linear;
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os as O
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as N
from pyfmi import load_fmu
curr_dir = O.path.dirname(O.path.abspath(__file__));
path_to_fmus = O.path.join(curr_dir, 'FMUs') # The FMU must be in this folder!!!!!!
def run_fmu_native(filename, list_seed_vector, with_plots=True):
"""E10_linear (native)
Based on https://jmodelica.org/pyfmi/_modules/pyfmi/examples/fmi_bouncing_ball_native.html#run_demo
fmu_name = O.path.join(path_to_fmus, filename)
model = load_fmu(fmu_name)
Tstart = 0.0 #The start time.
Tend = 2.0 #The final simulation time.
model.time = Tstart #Set the start time before the initialization.
#Initialize the model. Also sets all the start attributes defined in the
# XML file.
#Get Continuous States
x = model.continuous_states
#Get the Nominal Values
x_nominal = model.nominal_continuous_states
#Get the Event Indicators
event_ind = model.get_event_indicators()
# Snippet from https://jmodelica.org/pyfmi/pyfmi.html#pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelBase2.get_directional_derivative
assert model.get_capability_flags()["providesDirectionalDerivatives"]==True #Assert directional derivatives are provided
states = model.get_states_list()
states_references = [s.value_reference for s in states.values()]
derivatives = model.get_derivatives_list()
derivatives_references = [d.value_reference for d in derivatives.values()]
print('state_references: {}'.format(states_references))
print('derivatives_references: {}'.format(derivatives_references))
print('seed vector: {}'.format(list_seed_vector))
dd = model.get_directional_derivative(states_references, derivatives_references, list_seed_vector)
#print('dd: {}'.format(dd))
if __name__ == "__main__":
run_fmu_native('E10_linear.fmu', [1], with_plots=True)
There was a bug in OpenModelica that is fixed now. In the next release 1.13 the the directional derivatives should work proper, again.