I was trying to adjust Alexa talking speed and pitch with following:
outputSpeech: {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak><prosody pitch="+50%">higher pitch</prosody></speak>"
The execution result succeeded, however I noticed "ssml": "<speak><prosody pitch=NaN"
and when I went to simulator test, Alexa responded There was a problem with the requested skill's response
So I tried couple things:
ssml: "<speak><prosody rate="150%">faster pace</prosody></speak>"
the execution result fails: "SyntaxError: Unexpected number",
Can you try escaping the double quotes inside prosody tag attributes using this \"
"<speak><prosody pitch=\"+50%\">higher pitch</prosody></speak>"
or use a single quote
const speechOutput = '<speak><prosody pitch="+50%">higher pitch</prosody></speak>';
return handlerInput.responseBuilder