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Upgrading from visual studio 2017 community to Pro

I have been using the Community edition of Visual studio 2017 but now my office has purchased a Visual Studio 2017 Pro License key.

Is there a way in which I can upgrade using just the license key..?? without re-installing the software..?

I have tried following the steps in this Link

But I cant find the

License with a Product Key link. NOTE: I have already signed in with my Microsoft account.

I have read this link

But it looks like the guy has already installed 2017 enterprise edition and then changed his license key.


  • We cannot upgrade VS 2017 from community to the Professional version, but we can keep those VS versions (community/professional/enterprise) on the same computer which is different with the previous VS versions, so you can download and install the VS professional 2017 without uninstall the existing VS community 2017.

    BTW, the VS community 2017 is free and we can unlock it through sign in with the Microsoft account, but there have the license terms to check we have the freely use right or not, please check this and if not meet those requirements, please uninstall it.